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Minutes 01/20/2004
            BOARD OF FINANCE
           JANUARY 20, 2004

A   REGULAR  MEETING of the Board of Finance was held on Tuesday, January 20, 2004, in the Council Chambers.

Those present included Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., members of the Board of Finance Theodore Miasek, James Zeller, Roger Dickinson, and Bruce Cornish, Corp. Counsel Albert Vasko, and Comptroller Alice Proulx.  Absent was Board of Finance member Diane Libby.

Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m.

On a motion by Mr. Zeller, seconded by Mr. Cornish, the board, with the exception of Mr. Miasek who abstained, voted to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held December 16, 2003.

On a motion by Mr. Cornish, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, the board voted to open the meeting to the public.  There was no public participation.

On a motion by Mr. Dickinson, seconded by Mr. Zeller, a discussion took place in regard to the status of Scully & Wolf.

Ms. Proulx reported that the Board of Education was on the New World payroll system and there were no major issues.  The next step was the reconciliation of the General Ledger.  She stated that it had been suggested to physically consolidate the finance departments of the city with the Board of Education.

Mayor Quinn indicated that he had spoken with Dr. Riccio in regard to the overlap and duplication of certain functions, and the question arose as to whether a merger of the finance departments would be beneficial and whether it would be best for the Finance Department of the Board of Education to move to City Hall or visa versa.   Scully & Wolf was to evaluate the proposal and come up with a time frame.  Although July 1 was not a reasonable time frame, it was set as the target date.

Scully & Wolf has agreed to review the proposed consolidation and become the overseer of the operation.  Cost estimates are forthcoming.

Ms. Proulx indicated that Scully & Wolf would be looking at the responsibilities of certain positions and what would best suit the needs of both, the City and the Board of Education.

Mr. Dickinson thought it would be beneficial to have a Finance Director on board while working on such strategic issues.

On a motion by Mr. Cornish, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, the board voted to make a recommendation to the City Council to renew Scillia, Dowling & Natarelli’s contract for audit services for the fiscal years 2004 through 2006.

P & G PEPPER #500
On a motion by Mr. Miasek, seconded by Mr. Zeller, the board voted to pay $2,071.00 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund #490 to P & G Pepper Construction Services, Inc. for work done on Cedar Lane to repair the forced sewer main.

P & G PEPPER #530
On a motion by Mr. Dickinson, seconded by Mr. Cornish, the board voted to pay $1,896.45 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund #490 to P & G Pepper Construction Services, Inc. for repairing the sanitary sewer manhole at 604 Westledge Drive.

On a motion by Mr. Cornish, seconded by Mr. Miasek, the board voted to pay $2,465.00 from Contingency to Gordon, Muir & Foley, LLP for professional services rendered in the Southwest School matter.  

On a motion by Mr. Dickinson, seconded by Mr. Cornish, the board voted to pay $491.63 from Contingency to Diamond State Insurance Company for the City’s deductible in the Hayes matter.

On a motion by Mr. Dickinson, seconded by Mr. Cornish, the board voted to pay, with the exception of Mr. Miasek who abstained, $564.22 from Contingency to Home Depot Credit Services to settle the account, contingent upon City Council’s approval.

On a motion by Mr. Cornish, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, the board voted to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the Board of Finance.   

Due to the holidays, there was not much for Mr. Dickinson to report on in regard to the Keysan program with the Fire Department.

Mr. Cornish stated, in looking at the financial statements, he noticed that the only department he was concerned about at this time was equipment maintenance.  

        He also stated that he would like to work with the Board of Education on their budget again this coming year.

On a motion by Mr. Dickinson, seconded by Mr. Miasek, the board voted to add an executive session to the agenda to review all pending litigations.

On a motion by Mr. Miasek, seconded by Mr. Zeller, the board voted to go into executive session under Pending Litigations at 4:36 p.m.

                  ASST. CITY CLERK

On a motion by Ted Miasek, seconded by Roger Dickinson, the board went into open session at 4:55 p.m.

On a motion by Ted Miasek, seconded by Bruce Cornish, the board adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Albert G. Vasko
Corporation Counsel